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Service Quality and Honesty

Is the growth of customers and partners, with the relationship of improving their quality of life, fulfilling each in his word. For example: Comply with the provisions verbally without being written to be fulfilled. You will be honest and discreet affairs with each of your customers.

Experience in financing

Financial Development projects search and placement to finance national and international staff engagement, business, the location of the installation, supervision and appropriate advice, type of financing working capital, refaccionario Counsel, the purchases of raw buying and selling companies, equipment purchase materials, assistance in legal business plan and financial analysis of the project investment advisory and business plan and financial support in analyzing business needs solutions and type care your personal finances, Secondary Market integration as sale and placing of financial instruments under PPP platform

If an exercise in broad simplification, we had to choose to explain to someone who wants to build its first investment portfolio, which are the most active are present in stockings portfolios logically within that simplification exercise, we quote bonds and actions.


7 Financial strategies to grow your business


1. Establish a clear vision: To do need to project a term not exceeding five years where he's going with the business. He immediately emerge a financial plan to achieve the goals proposed.


2. Keeping the focus: Some "newbies" in business are struggling to increase revenues in the short term leading to deviate from the main objective. For example, if you ride a workshop making shirts tend to start diversifying products designed for stockings example forcing them to purchase new equipment unplanned expenses.


3. Savings Funds: When the company begins to generate profits is essential to create two funds, one is a mattress contingencies and other reinvestment. The first is for emergencies and the second to achieve goals such as acquiring new equipment, improve infrastructure and environmental conditions of workers.


4. Investigate source of financing: The acquisition of credits for business growth has become indispensable. Inquire for the facilities, costs and interest rates of different loan options available on the market, helps you make a decision tailored to their needs. Being complied with the payment of the obligations will increase the chances of acquiring new loans in the future.


5. Pay dutifully: It is important to pay salaries and bills as suppliers to companies without human capital and input sellers are meaningless.


6. Web Presence: Social networks and internet sites attract followers, but also potential buyers and partners. However, it is necessary to evaluate the advisability of investing in the web because some business work perfectly without it.


7. Seek advice: Try to surround yourself qualified to lead the financial management of the company staff, although notions of administrative management are taken there to receive advice from professionals and experienced in financial management


              we specializ

Specialized Consultancy:


• Business Plan.

• Due Diligence.

• Corporate Reorganization.

• Plans Export and Import.

• Mergers.


Business Valuation:


• Valuation Business Acquisition (Total and Partial) Shares.

• Valuation Business for Sale (Total and Partial) Shares.

• Project Valuation.


Investment and Strategic Alliances


• General Manufacturing.

• Industry in general.

• Infrastructure (electricity, natural gas or water)

• Pharmaceutical Firms.

• Signatures of medical products.

• Process grocery export.

• Plants resins.

• Plants plastic injection molds.




• Lines of credit to companies with sales of more than $ 15 million annually and are exporting not less than 10% of production.

• Real estate projects within the concepts presented.


At the request of the company can be a combination of the following services


• Capital expansion.

• New product lines.

• strategic or financial partners.

• Expansion of the enterprise market

• Study and analysis of the financial position of the company for the purpose of obtaining credit or venture capital. This study does not include reports provided by professionals and are appraisals, market research, etc.


• Deep study of the company covering accounting, legal, financial, trade, environmental and market points.


• Evaluation of the company providing the value thereof in cases where employers decide to sell it.


• Quantitative analysis of the financial position of the company using financial formulas to determine how to improve the operation.


Registration of the company in the United States, that record includes opening bank accounts in prime banks in the US

Philosophy of Financial Engineering.


The framework underlying the rationale and we want to be as financial engineers, is comprised of the mission, vision and principles that guide everyday behavior.



Present a professional and reliable service in financial, accounting, tax and legal matters to the different productive and generally to all sectors of society, effective, efficient and timely manner.



Having a privileged leadership and recognized in the presentation of financial, accounting, tax and legal services in different sectoresproductivos and generally the whole society in general nationally

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